Interceptor Waste Treatment
Interceptors are an important feature of many industrial surface water drainage systems. They are designed to prevent the release of oils, fuels, or other pollutants from being released to the environment in the event of leaks / spills. It is vital that they are regularly maintained and cleaned to allow them to operate effectively and that collected contaminants are removed. It is recommended to do periodic inspections and cleaning on a biannual basis as a minimum, removing all the collected contaminants and any hydrocarbons and checking the interceptor still functions effectively.
Here at BKP, we have a bespoke site treatment permit supported by specialist equipment to treat a variety of waste streams including interceptor wastes to maximise recycling and recovery of the waste.
How does it work?
The waste from interceptors is first sampled, analysed, and then discharged into reception tanks for treatment, where the process contains fine screens to remove any solids from the liquid. Oil is removed prior to the treatment of the solids or liquid phase by flocculation. The resulting liquids are suitable for conventional waste-water treatment, and any solids are sent for recycling or used as secondary raw materials. Our recovered oils are reused as support fuel instead of conventional fossil fuels in the manufacture of cement-based products.
BKP has a fleet of vehicles designed to transport bulk liquids and other hazardous materials to provide collection services alongside the treatment of your waste.
Are you looking for a more sustainable method to manage your interceptor waste?